
Friday, November 03, 2006


SpringhillToday we found a baby tawny frogmouth under a bush in our garden.It was about the size of a man's hand.We fed it some worms from the worm farm,and put it in the garage in a box,when some magpies began swooping it.

That night we put it out so that the parents could come and feed it,if they were in the area.The next morning it was still where we had left it.We bought an eye dropper and fed it some water,and in the late afternoon put it back in the garage.It was trying to learn to fly ,and promptly fell into a large flowerpot.We had to rescue it as it could not get out on it's own.

The next day,back in the garden,perched on a wall beside an oak tree it took it,s first real flight.Like proud parents we watched as it took off,alas not into the oak tree,but into the dog's run next door.So began a long rescue operation,with Oswald,as he had now been christened,being picked up just as the dog came around the corner.

Again we left Oswald where his parents could find him.We kept coming out and checking on him,only to find a forlorn little bird,all on his own.Morning found him sitting dejectedly at the foot of the oak tree.The temperature was predicted to be 29 degrees that day.Oswald was definitly weaker and we suspected been abandoned,so we rang the Healsville Sanctuary.Two hours later he was being fed chopped up mice and being properly cared for.Oswald a week later was thriving,he will go into care with another frogmouth and will be taught to be a bird


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